Houston Real Estate News

Tips for Moving Into a Bigger Home
Have you recently upsized? Moving into a larger home can be an exciting transition. But you may have discovered you suddenly have a lot more space to fill. While it can be fun to daydream about how you’ll use all…

What’s Your Home Actually Worth?
As listing inventory levels continue to fall in Houston, home sellers are becoming more and more curious about the impact on their home’s value. It’s easy to look up how much money you have in your savings account or the real-time…

Houston Market Report: January 2021
Despite continually falling inventory levels, homebuyers continued to buy up the available properties and continued the robust market we saw throughout 2020. Luxury and mid-market homes performed particularly well. According to the latest report from the Houston Association of Realtors…

6 Tips to help prepare your Houston home for a freeze
As Houstonians, we don’t get a lot of experience with freezing temperatures. A hard freeze may only come around once a year if it comes at all. Regardless, you need to be prepared. Even though we do have some…

Red Flags to Watch for When Buying a Home
In Texas, home sellers are required by law to make certain disclosures when selling their homes. But those disclosures may not give you the full story. Eager sellers may gloss over potential problems with the home, which could become big…

2021 Outlook: Houston Real Estate Market Forecast
If you go back and read the Outlook we wrote in January 2020, you won’t find any predictions regarding global pandemics, historically low-interest rates, or political tumult. At Norhill, we have no crystal ball and can’t tell you exactly what…