Should You Put Your Home on the Market Before or After the Super Bowl?
As strange as it may seem to football fans, a majority of homeowners do not arrange their schedule around the Super Bowl. That being said, the Super Bowl typically signals the end ....

Getting Organized to Sell Your Home
When you’ve lived in it for a long time, getting a home ready to sell can seem daunting. If you are considering selling your home this year, make it your New Year’s res....

What is Live-Work Space?
Many buildings tout themselves as live-work spaces, but live-work designations are not all equal. For example, a primarily residential building that has no restriction on working f....

Growing an Indoor Garden
With several more weeks of winter to go, you might be hankering for some fresh greens, herbs or sprouts in your diet. Changes and improvements in lighting, soil and planting techni....

Minimalist Home-buying
When you’re house hunting, it’s good to know your “living personality.” The home you choose should reflect the way you like to live rather than the latest t....

Is Adding a Skylight a Good Investment?
During the gray and cloudy days of winter, a bit of sunshine can make a huge difference in how you feel about your home and yourself. The physical and psychological affects of dayl....