Little Decorator Details That Can Hinder Your Home Sale
We get it … you want your home to be uniquely you … you want it to express your personality … you want colors that make you happy! But wait! Now you want to sell this home ....

Is Flipping Houses a Good Idea These Days?
Just ahead of the housing bubble, flipping houses was an investor pass-time. As home prices started to rise, many would-be real estate moguls bought houses to flip hoping that the ....

How Important are Rain Gutters to Home Maintenance?
If you’ve owned a home for a while, you know that water entering the home can be at least a hassle and at worst a cause of major destruction. Not only should keeping water fr....

Three Home Safety Features You Should Keep Up To Date
In the midst of all the summer activities, there are a few things you should add to your to-do list to keep you and your family safe in your home. Here are three: Fire Extinguisher....

How to Avoid Being House Poor
Buying a home is exciting. If you’re young, it gives you the sense of finally stepping into the adult world. If you’re at some other life change (marriage, starting a f....

Your True Colors
Much of the fun of owning a home is decorating it to your taste and personality. Even on a low budget, subtle or dramatic changes to color can make your home truly yours. Check out....