Houston Market Report: July 2022
As expected, the Houston housing market continued to slow through July. As a result, inventory levels are up and home prices have begun to level off. Considering the frenetic pace ....

Houston Market Report: May 2022
Despite rising mortgage rates, the Houston real estate market showed remarkable resilience in May. Homes continue to sell very quickly and home prices continue to rise. Thanks to....

Houston Market Report: April 2022
Although sales failed to outperform April 2021’s sales volume, the Houston Real Estate market in Houston continued at a fairly robust pace in April of 2022. This is the first....

Houston Market Report: March 2022
The March real estate market in Houston was resilient despite steadily rising mortgage rates since the beginning of the year. Although home listings have started to hit the marke....

2023 Outlook: Houston Real Estate Market Forecast
For the past 2 years, the real estate market in Houston has been booming despite the ongoing pandemic crisis. Will this trend continue in 2022? We certainly can’t say for cer....

Houston Market Report: November 2021
Despite the Thanksgiving holiday, November home sales continued to move 2021 along its historic pace. Inventory levels remained low, but homebuyers continued to gobble up real es....